I hope you’ll consider becoming a paid subscriber to keep this work going and to help spread the word. I think our models in the media for relationships are largely horrible, and then we do a terrible job of (not) teaching media literacy, consent, sex education, and communication. On top of that we then punish people for mimicking what they see on television and in movies or what they had modeled for them by family and authority figures in their lives. But I need your help to keep the ball moving. If you’d like to request to expense this newsletter, use this template.
Being a paid subscriber supports getting anti-carceral consent education as far and wide as possible.
Boundaries + Consent for People Pleasers 9/4 - 10/9
Consent Educator Training 9/16-21
Consent-Based Teaching Artist Program 9/16-12/9
Unblocked 10/16-12/4
Live Classes • Recorded Classes • Workbooks • Consulting • Merch! • Share the Load Podcast • You’re Doing It Wrong Podcast • Intimacy Coordination for TV, Film, + Theater
Hi, I’m Mia. I found consent through Intimacy Coordination and fell in love with it so much that I decided to dedicate my life to making it as widely available as possible.
I offer classes on consent and creativity, people pleasing, the romantic comedy, as well as trainings for people who want to learn to teach consent. You can read more and sign up at consentwizardry.com.
Follow me on IG @consent.wizardry.